Thursday, March 8, 2012

Go, snow

This is a view near our house from one week ago, the day that an early March storm dropped about six inches of snow on us.

It was heavy, sticky snow, good for decorating the trees and bushes, but a real chore to shovel. Even the snowblower was reluctant to deal with it.
(Click on the image to enlarge it, then again to enlarge it some more.)

Today, one week later, it is almost all gone.

(Click on the image to enlarge it, then again to enlarge it some more.)

This afternoon I bicycled with a friend on a bike path with just a few tiny, diminished scraps of ice in the shadowed spots. Small patches of snow like errant bits of rabbit belly fur dotted the sides of the path under bushes. We rode without jackets, without balaclavas or heavy boots, without thick gloves.
Crazy weather, but I'll take it.
For all I know, we'll have several snow storms yet. -- PL

1 comment:

Mark H said...

It was strange weather considering it was so cold Sunday and, Monday. But I enjoyed it! I was able to go running a few miles in shorts and a t-shirt. I was grateful for it!
"Errant bits of rabbit belly fur", that is a very creative simile you have thought up. I like it! Have a good one Pete. Glad you where able to get out and enjoy the weather.