Tuesday, March 6, 2012

White glove forest

When we were starting to get our first serious snow of 2012 last week, I was out driving in it, practicing my snow driving skills. The snowfall wasn't quite as thick as I have seen it at various times in the past, but it was definitely coming down and decorating the landscape.
Coming home on a side road, I noticed the interesting pattern the falling snow had created on the branches of some large fir trees, and had to pull over to snap a few photos.

The thought that popped into my head was that the limbs of these trees now resembled hundreds of white-gloved hands.

Beautiful… but also slightly eerie. -- PL


Mark H said...

Beautiful pictures Pete! I like how you can see the flakes streaming down in little white streaks when looking at the photos full resolution.
My wife thinks the snowy branches look like some kind of spooky white fungus. I can see that. You see hundreds of white gloved hands, I can see that too!
It's funny, only in New England do I hear people say "I was out driving in the snow, practicing my snow driving skills." Hey, we have to keep our snow driving skills sharp. Never know when the next nor'easter is going to hit us!
Thank you for sharing! Have a good one.

From Mary's Pen said...

Definitely eerie!

Walking through the silent pines, when there's snow falling and the outside of the trees are coated but inside the forest floor is just barely showing a covering... there's nothing like it.

Beautiful pics.

Rejoicing in the day,