I took this at a small restaurant in Bethesda, Maryland, when Stan and I were attending the SPX (Small Press Expo) in 2000 -- a really excellent show just bursting with energy and creativity. I had been to it the previous year, and I'd never before seen so many small press and independent comics creators and publishers in one place. It was really quite inspiring. I got to meet several Xeric grant winners who were there promoting their books, which was very nice. As I recall, Scott McCloud was there too, and I always like getting to see and talk with him.
One day Stan and I walked around the neighborhood next to the hotel we were staying in, looking for a place to eat, and found this funky little place with a few small tables outside (always my favored place to eat if the weather is good). As I recall, I thought the waiter looked like a young Jack Kirby. They had an amazing "golden gazpacho", which I got and thoroughly enjoyed.
I couldn't tell you what it is that Stan is about to eat here, but if I'm remembering correctly, he enjoyed his meal too. (I have found that Stan is quite the adventurous eater... probably a good thing, with all of the traveling that he does.) I just love the way he's giving it the "once-over" in this photo. -- PL
That's a hilarious photo. I am completely loving it.
Sakai: "What the hell is that...? Oh well... what doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger... I hope...."
Heh, It is a good expression. Almost like he thinks it's going to move or something :).
On another note, I wonder if Shredder's name comes from Stan himself, at least in part? :)
At Stan's lj he posted the synops of his last tour overseas (Sweden, Poland, etc)-- and a good deal of the report was about the food he ate there. I swear I gained five pounds just reading it.
I asked him what reindeer tastes like, and he said "like moose".
That's a cool photo. For once Stan isn't in his usual grinning pose. ;)
-->> ::
..the life n' times of the ALT. Comic Pioneers .. ;p
Well, he's a brave brave man! I don't think I could be an adventurous eater if ya paid me in billions! Well ok, maybe billions. I wonder if this guy would be willing to try some of those pizza toppings Mikey used in the old toon. hehe!
I don't remember what it is I was eating either, but I would try it again. It can't be worse than the sheep's head I had in Norway.
Bethesda had some great restaurants. The first night I was there I went across the street from the hotel to Joe's Crab Shack. The greeter told me, "You're just in time for the dancing waitresses." Yes, they would dance every hour. I ate at a Japanese place down the street.
Sorry, that was me just now. I didn't know my daughter was logged in.
Blogger usagiguy said...
... Bethesda had some great restaurants. The first night I was there I went across the street from the hotel to Joe's Crab Shack. The greeter told me, "You're just in time for the dancing waitresses." Yes, they would dance every hour. I ate at a Japanese place down the street.
What, you got something against dancing waitresses? :D
Or did the waitresses have crab legs?
*entertains self out of the blog*
Try live octopus.
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