This is a cool set of two Sculpey dinos that Jim Lawson made for me AS a set -- it's a little "dino battle diorama", with my favorite dino (a Triceratops) going at it with the fearsome predator Tyrannosaurus Rex.
I like the way that Jim added the "battle damage" to the T-Rex where the Tric's horn jabbed him in the belly. (This is a scene I would have loved to have seen in one of the "Jurassic Park" movies.") -- PL
Trics always win. They totally pwned the T-rexes.
Yeah, that would have been a COOL scene in the movie!
Sculpey with gore!
Actually I'm starting to feel for the T-Rexes. Seems like in every kids animated dino movie some spunky herbivore throws a T-Rex off a cliff.
Now the battle scene in Disney's first Fantasia; remember that? With Stravinsky's Rite of Spring for inspiration that *had* to T-Rex win.
"...that T-Rex had to win."
Donna no talky good today. =op
Do you read xkcd at all?
Today's comic seems right up your alley.
Actually, forgot to ask this, but did you go see the "Walking With Dinosaurs" live show when it was out there? I have a friend who lives up in your neck of the coast, and she had seen it. I'm dying to see it myself once it gets out here.
Blogger PL said...
I did, and it was GREAT! Well worth the time and money. The dinosaurs looked, moved and sounded fantastic. I was especially impressed by the way they did the small predators like the Velociraptors. I'm just sorry I didn't go twice while it as in the area. -- PL
I am trying to talk my sister into buying me the ticket for my birthday rather than stick me with yet another gift I really don't care about... but I'm guessing I'll spend the $$ myself. I am truly looking forward to it.
"Splinter's Iroonna said...
Actually, forgot to ask this, but did you go see the "Walking With Dinosaurs" live show when it was out there? I have a friend who lives up in your neck of the coast, and she had seen it. I'm dying to see it myself once it gets out here."
I did, and it was GREAT! Well worth the time and money. The dinosaurs looked, moved and sounded fantastic. I was especially impressed by the way they did the small predators like the Velociraptors. I'm just sorry I didn't go twice while it was in the area. -- PL
-->> ..what did Jim use as paint on these ??
OOh Sharp Tooth vs 3 Horn!! Baad Sharp Tooth, bad!!
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