Back then, there was not a lot of "Star Trek" merchandise to be had. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the series, saw an opportunity to fill that void (at least partially) and created Lincoln Enterprises, a mail-order outfit which sold a variety of items related to "Star Trek", including bound scripts, glossy photos, gold-plated U.S.S. Enterprise pendants, and so forth. I saved some of my meager earnings from my paper delivery route and ordered a few of these treasures, one of which was this certificate.

Although it purports to be a document which commissions the holder as a "flight deck officer" on board the Enterprise, I see it it more as proof positive (if any such proof is ever needed) of my bonafides as a true "Star Trek" geek. -- PL
How does it make you feel that I'm a geek, thanks to turtles, which is because of YOU?
And where do I sign up for my honorary turtle certificate?
That's pretty cool, though it looks like that certificate has seen better days.
I was a huge fan of The Next Generation. Trekkies all have their preferences; I guess it's a generational thing (no pun intended).
By the way, does that have an actual signature of Gene Roddenbury, because that would be so cool, or is it a print?
Your a card carrying geek! I LOVE IT!
That is just too cool!
-->> ..that was an omen ..
(( and Daniel, all these years later ..we never got a Dooney / Klingon Worf Turtle Figure ))..
i drew raph as a klingon once. bumps, shaggy hair and all..haha!
Daniel Schwarz said...
That's pretty cool, though it looks like that certificate has seen better days."
Considering it is somewhere in the neighborhood of forty years old, I'd say it's held up pretty well. -- PL
"I was a huge fan of The Next Generation. Trekkies all have their preferences; I guess it's a generational thing (no pun intended).
By the way, does that have an actual signature of Gene Roddenbury, because that would be so cool, or is it a print?"
You know, I have never compared the signature on this certificate with any authentic Gene Roddenberry signatures -- I guess I just assumed it probably wasn't his, much like I doubt that William Shatner signed this thing as Captain Kirk. Maybe I should look into that... -- PL
OMG!! That totally reeks of awesomeness!
Can't wait for the new movie! :D
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