Well, last week I was coming back from a coffee break with the Mirage dudes, and as we were crossing King Street heading back to the studio, we saw this amazing Gold Wing/trailer rig stopped at the lights. I was able to whip out my digital camera and snap a couple of shots before the bike took off.

In my opinion, this is without a doubt the coolest motorcycle trailer I've ever seen, both in conception and in execution. -- PL
That is pretty cool.
The only thing that could have possibly topped that was if there was a giant fiberglass Rat Fink dude coming out of that little car.
That is pretty cool!
I myself am an enthusist of all things with 4 wheels :-)
That having been said, in the spirit of this topic, THIS trailer design blew my mind! Thought I'd share.
That is so freaking cool! *wants*
You guys don't have a coffee maker at your studio?
*is a prisoner at school; huggles Coke machine*
That is the funniest thing I've seen-- and LOL Jim Lawson re: Rat Fink!
I saw one similar to that a few years back. At first I thought the little car was some sort of go-kart before realizing it was a trailer.
Very neat indeed.
Do you still use the Segway? Don't recall hearing about it in a while.
"Newton Gimmick said...
Do you still use the Segway? Don't recall hearing about it in a while."
Ever since I discovered recumbent (and then crank-forward) bicycles, the Segways have fallen by the wayside. I don't even know if I still have one that works. -- PL
Agreed... that is definitely the coolest!
I know the OT isn't your favorite...but seeing you towing around a turtle van version of this would be hysterical haha.
" Jim Lawson said...
The only thing that could have possibly topped that was if there was a giant fiberglass Rat Fink dude coming out of that little car."
-->> Well the guy drivin is a lil' ' Finky '
The title says it all. This is by far one of the absolute coolest things I have ever seen!!! Love the "Rat Fink" idea (in the comments).
Its coolest............... Motorcycle Towing Sydney
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