There were a lot of trees exhibiting spectacular color, but I was particularly taken with this large one in Look Park. As usual, a mere photograph does not do justice to the glorious, almost incandescent glow of a specimen like this in the bright sunlight.

By the way, to answer one of the questions recently posed in the comments sections of my last two posts -- yes, I intend to continue doing this blog. -- PL
Something about the Fall in New England... lazy weekends reading comics and watching TV with the windows cracked ever so slightly open, the rustling of leaves in the background. Yet, somehow I always found myself the most productive in the Fall... despite having to rake the leaves more often! Enjoy Pete!
Fantastic news about the blog.
The weather was amazing yesterday earlier in the day (once late afternoon hit we got a fair amount of rain in Western NY).
The one thing I am sad about this year is I haven't seen much red in the fall foliage. It's been very golden.
Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing! So so pleased about the blog continuing.
yea here in new jersey, believe it or not, the fall has really kicked in full force today. the minute i step outside my door i am greeted by a large blast of fall orangey/redish leaves. i love this weather. its great thinking weather!
Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year. I'm really enjoying the weather and the foliage in New Jersey right now. Love the sound of the wind rustling the dried leaves. I only wished that it lasted longer.
And I agree with agliarept, it is great thinking weather :)
Well first...thanks for continuing the blog, I would be so bummed if it went away. I have high expectations that we'll be seeing some "blast from the present" on here soon! I want you to make good on carrying around that sketchbook. You are a very talented illustrator and I can't wait to see your post TMNT offerings!
Secondly, it's photos like this one that make living in Florida so lousy sometimes. I really wish we had a change of seasons here it's so beautiful to get to witness that in person. Looking forward to the prospect of an out of state job presenting itself someday soon.
Aw, that's purdy. I'll never regret moving to the west coast, but the fall foliage is something I sure miss. I never appreciated it as a kid in upstate NY, but as an adult, it's a lovely.
nice pic dad!
believe it or not - i actually miss the fall foliage.
thats cool youre continuing this.
its one of the only blogs ive found i can learn from.
and the drawings,of course,are just plain badass.
maybe video could capture it better?you know,the wind and all.
its weird,i live way over in Clovis,CA and its the same weather here.
only we got pine trees.
Beautiful, man. Thanks.
-->> time, if it happens ..
will you start sharing with us your NEW art work ?!
"msemilylaird said...
nice pic dad!
believe it or not - i actually miss the fall foliage."
Em, I don't think I ever expected to hear those words from you! (But it's nice to hear them.) -- Dad
"~ tOkKa said...
-->> time, if it happens ..
will you start sharing with us your NEW art work ?!"
Good question. I'm not yet sure. -- PL
-->> ..guess allot of those types of things are in a holding pattern for now.
Patience will be important on all our parts.
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