She brought with her a gift for me, a t-shirt -- one of Organically Grown's products for men. Here's a photo Jeannine took of me today, wearing the shirt:

And here's another view from the back:

I like the shirt a lot -- it's very comfortable, and the graphics on it are well done and subtle (especially the very light grays). It's 100% organically grown cotton.
I told Emily that it would have to be a really good, comfortable t-shirt to get me to wear it, as I have been devoted to my plain bamboo t-shirts since I discovered them a couple of years ago.
And it is! I think this is the third time I've worn it.
Thanks, Em! -- Dad
P.S. A few days after I posted this, Emily left the following comment, which I thought merited inclusion in the post itself:
"If you're interested in buying a t-shirt, use code ogss20 for 20% off on!"
My family is big on organic things, especially my mom. Groceries, clothes, even Windex and soaps.
How old is Emily anyway, I'm think shes a bit older than me, I was born in 1990, the year the first film came out, I know she was a baby around then.
She is 21 I think,two yrs. my jr. I wonder if college is also in the picture.
I love the assist in a free advertisment. I will get a t-shirt myself if I can to support you and your daughter! :D
if they get contracts with the right companies i dont see how emily l.'s company's product wont work out.
though im californian i dont care at all about the enviroment,ill let my great grandkids deal with it like my great granparents before me. but for real,if its a comfortable shirt then thats cool as hel
(im not going to say shell)
Letting your great grandkids deal with it? That's one of the most selfish idiotic things I have ever heard.
Cool shirt, I actually have one pretty similar (in design and organic) myself.
Side've lost a lot of weight Pete!
If you're interested in buying a t-shirt, use code ogss20 for 20% off on!
Thanks,Em! Got one. Any little thing to support you nad your dad and its a nice shirt to boot!
Hi Peter,
I don't know what's the best way to get ahold of you, but I wanted to propose to you the idea of doing a ninja Turtles art show in LA. I run a group of Illustrators known as the Autumn Society, and we would love to do our interpretations of you and Kevin's characters. We recently did a tribute show at Gallery 1988 (LA) to
Ghostbusters, Goonies, and Gremlins. You can read more about it here:
Please let us know how we can move ahead with this and make it an official TMNT event.
Thank-you for your time and hope to hear from you.
An Illustrator & Turtles fan,
Illustration & Design
President of the Autumn Society
" Chogrin said...
Hi Peter,
I don't know what's the best way to get ahold of you, but I wanted to propose to you the idea of doing a ninja Turtles art show in LA. I run a group of Illustrators known as the Autumn Society, and we would love to do our interpretations of you and Kevin's characters. We recently did a tribute show at Gallery 1988 (LA) to
Ghostbusters, Goonies, and Gremlins. You can read more about it here:
Please let us know how we can move ahead with this and make it an official TMNT event.
Thank-you for your time and hope to hear from you.
An Illustrator & Turtles fan,
Illustration & Design
President of the Autumn Society"
Chogrin, as Mirage Studios no longer owns the rights to the TMNT (having sold them to Viacom/Nickolodeon about a year ago), I can't help you with making your event "official" in the way I think you mean. Perhaps you could contact the new owners and get their participation. -- PL
ok we need talk some stuff out Peter, as a fan and others will say this.. The Turtles Forever dvd was cut off bad. I bought it and i still love it. Im gonna get my turtles forever tattoos. But nickelodeon gave us all the edit and the cover wasn't giving it to us like the poster we all saw.. Pleas i know and i understand your 25th years with it and need to rest.. But i hope nickelodeon isn't going to ruin and abuse the stories.. They just want money and they don't give a damn about us true fans. Please buy it back and give it to someone who really cares for them tmnt history and care so much for us fan. im been following your books from day one and im older now and knowing this can be bad with nickelodeon. I hope you knew what you sold them too.. I dunno if your just giving them because you dont care but please understand the fans are worried. please email be back so i can give out the word to the other fans.
we will forever follow you and Kevin. You both are our fathers!!
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