Friday, June 1, 2012


It's been a good week for typos.

I bicycled to Easthampton a few days ago with my friend Rick, and when we got there I noticed a sign on a storefront announcing the upcoming opening of a new Indian restaurant. As I was taking a photo of the sign, Rick pointed out to me that he hoped their food would be better than their proofreading.

The extra-goofy part about this one is that the misspelled word "cuisine" is actually spelled correctly in the other sign at the top.

Then yesterday I got an email from the FIne Arts Center at my alma mater, the University of Massachusetts, suggesting that I "Sneak a Peak at our 2012-2013 Season ".

But both of these things pale in comparison to the nadir of proofreading represented by the iPhone application put out by supporters of Mitt Romney which included a slogan reading "A Better Amercia".

-- PL

P.S. Yes, my misspelling of "typos" in the title of this post was deliberate.

1 comment:

Mark H said...

Amercia for Ronmey 2102!!!