I was on a very pleasant bicycle ride with friends Gary and Rick today, heading down the bike path to Easthampton, MA, when I spotted something quite small moving at a pretty good clip directly across my path. At first I thought it was some weird-looking bug, but as I slowed to a stop to take a closer look, I realized that it was a tiny turtle! I got out my camera and a quarter to indicate the size of the intrepid little critter, and took a photo...
... then gently picked up the turtle and moved him to the relative safety of the side of the path toward which he had been heading. -- PL
Very cool. I think that is a freshly hatched snapping turtle. My wife and I saw one that small last weekend while out on a hike. Very neat. Thanks for sharing Pete.
Tiny turtles must be built for speed!
Very cool. I think that is a freshly hatched snapping turtle. My wife and I saw one that small last weekend while out on a hike. Very neat. Thanks for sharing Pete.
Actually, it's a Midland, possibly Western painted turtle. The orange plastron and smallish head are the give aways.
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