I picked up this new vehicle yesterday -- doesn't it look like it belongs in a scene from "Planet Racers"?
This is the new Can-Am "Spyder", a three-wheeled motorcycle (although that may be an oxymoron in this case). It drives -- or rather STEERS -- like a car, which is taking some getting used to. But it's fun!
This photo was taken by my friend Rick -- returning to Northampton after picking up the Spyder at the dealership, we stopped for lunch on the way back at one of my favorite eateries: Ozzie's Steak 'N' Eggs in Hinsdale, MA. -- PL
-->> ..rather beautiful, n' yeh looks fun !!
Was thinking ' Godman Falcon ' instantly ..ha ha!!
Looks MUCH safer than an actual motor cycle is. Plus you won't see guys zooming in and out of traffic lanes with this baby like they do on motorcycles :).
Nice wheels!
Oh wow... it kinda looks like a snowmobile with wheels on it. *wonders if they could be made interchangeable* That would have been Great up at college in Maine!
And I agree with Neil, it looks SO much safer than your usual motorcycle. After my bike accident a couple years back, I was a lot more cautious about where/how I drove. I would Love to have one of those..
So Peter, You got any plans for another Big bike ride?
I'm pretty sure thats the new vehicle they are using as Arcee in Transformers 2. Its a different color of course but I've seen set pics of it.
The manufacturer of the spyder actually does make snow mobiles...thats probably where they get their inspiration.
Get off yer frickin' 3-wheeler and write issue 30!
Nice-- I would like one, what with the price of gas and my incredible lack of balance-- three wheels would be better for me.
Sweet looking bike! That must be so much fun to drive!
I was just reading over on Murph's blog about how you took time out of playing with your new "toy" to resign and head sketch 500 more NECA cards. My hat is off to you, and now I have even more respect for you than I thought possible. (It was very, very high).
That's a sweet looking ride and more environmentally conscious than a car. Thumbs up on that one.
Mmmm... steak and eggs... now I'm getting hungry.
Very cool, hopefully they come in hybrid models. As an aside I need a new car but am hesitant to buy one as I fear as gas gets more expensive and more is research money poured into alternative fuels, whatever I buy now may be useless within a decade, as gasoline will be obsolete, expensive and rare.
Hey Pete! Now you can head out with Yango and cruise the Wild area! Just watch out for the Mountain of Judgment!!!
I just saw one of those last week going down the 91...eye catching and unusual. Looks like fun too!
I would love to drive one of those, looks like great fun! ;o)
They take a lot of getting used to. They feel like a trike in reverse.
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