Okay, now I feel better.
A little.
Here's a photo I took on my way home from Mirage yesterday.

Even though the driving was bad, what with the snow, I wanted to get down to the studio to print out a "proofing" copy of the story guts of TMNT #30. I could probably have done it at home, but the duplexing capability of the color printer at Mirage make putting together a dummy copy a lot easier. Now I have to go through it and see how many mistakes I made.
Here's a little heads-up about what to expect in this issue -- there are only two scenes in it, only one involves a Turtle, and that Turtle is not Donatello, Leonardo, or Raphael.
I'm still looking for interesting letters to include in this issue. If you have any opinions about what was in the last issue, or other cogent TMNT-related comments, please send them along. -- PL
Fear now, spring is coming!
I should really suggest you come take a vacation in Florida, I'd be happy to show you around. It's breezy and warm you could have started riding a month ago already! Although I must say that picture you took is beautiful to look at if you don't have to endure the cold that comes along with it.
I think with the blog, we've exhausted most uses for a good letters column these days. Do most comics still print one?
I'm currently down on vacation at the Jersey Shore, and took a few shots of things 'Bennies' don't see that often. Namely Snow on the beach and the bay frozen over :).
I'm all ready for spring too by Feb 1st. I'm a warm weather person who wishes Jersey was located closer to the equator..
I know Marvel still print them in a number of books these days, and Walking Dead usually has a letter section. I've always loved them. It's a pity people stopped sending in to Tales!
So, issue 30 will either feature Michelangelo or Venus de Milo?
On the bright side, snow is pretty, and we're only 1 month away from Spring :)
I'm with you Pete!
I've had enough of this damn snow I'm about to invest in a blow tourch! lol
I'm def. looking forward to the next issue finally coming around *cracks wip* and I'll def. write a letter.
Stay warm!
-Vaughn M.
Walking Dead is awesome infact it's my second fave comicbook after TMNT.
and go figure it's black and white also.
Walking Dead is fantastic, but at the moment Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy are fighting for second place for me. Guardians is like everything I love about Star Wars and more!
I can't agree with you more, I am starting to hate the snow here. I live in New Hampshire and we got 8". If I see another warning of snow, who knows what I'll do, lol.
** Beautiful shot tho' ..**
-->> Sorry, Neil .. letters pages DO serve more than an exhausted excuse.
At this point they can also become a much more in-depth extension and record outside of the conventional forums to get info and insight from the creators.
I am also a sucker for tradition.
* *
.. DARK HORSE, sadly helped kill Star Wars in these eyes .
Those books were so damm good.
Can't give any sort of opinion Trist, I detached myself from star wars years ago.
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