I can't recall what inspired me to draw this particular image, though I suspect my fondness for robots and monsters (and trees) had something to do with it. -- PL
P.S. I noticed one curious thing while resizing the image to put up on this blog -- the way we signed this particular piece. I used my middle initial (something I pretty much never do on artwork), while Kevin used his full middle name (but only an initial for his first name). I have no idea why we did this! -- PL
-->> ..too, interesting :
Some of these Robo - images you are sharing from this early time-frame shows shows the robots being attacked, beat -up, or some in other type of peril.
Very nice colour work and I love the simple design of the robot. Very well done :D - Gavin Wainwright
Please check out my own detailed original comic at WhitehawkStudios.webs.com
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