Monday, December 14, 2009

Blast from the Past #260: Yoda and Taun-Taun Christmas card

Continuing with the theme of self-produced personal Christmas cards, here's one from the 1980's (the resolution of the image isn't good enough for me to read the date precisely). I always thought Yoda was the coolest character in the "Star Wars" movies, and the Taun-Taun one of the coolest creatures.

(On a technical note, I'm not sure why there are two rectangles drawn at different angles around Yoda and the sack of presents in this image. At first I thought they were paste-up lines, but on further inspection they appear to be drawn with pencil. Who knows? -- PL)

STAR WARS® characters ® and © 2009 Lucasfilm.


Pete J said...

cool stuff man, I dig the enterprise in the sack. yoda's facial expressing makes me think of captain murphy from sealab 2021, probably the circles under the eyes and the cheek bones

damien said...

nice to see you draw things from other titles like this alot ,today i got a tmnt comic online that was signed by you a nice christmas gift to me haha that will go nicely on my wall,merry christmas peter,i would love to have a tmnt drawing done by you dont supose you could send one ?ha ha looking forword to seeing your new year art too

David White Illustration said...

May the SCHWARTZ be with you!

Sorry, I just watched Spaceballs last night and couldn't resist...

mikeandraph87 said...

Interesting, the picture is. Drawing of another franchise by Mr. Laird,yes. A cool rarity indeed!

Now if only Batman,Nightwing, and Oracle could be blessed with Pete's pencil.

Tyr Germanic said...

yeah,yoda 100% pimp.

this just makes me think if yoda gets lost...uh,what his sleeping bag for the night is going to be.haha

slept inside a dead animal,yoda has not yet.
first time for everything,there is.

Jack Smith said...

You probably drew those rectangles so you could get the sleigh's angle better. At least that's what it looks like to me. :)

The Recruitment Insider said...

Wanna pore through a Christmas card for viewing. Its very nice.
Plastic Card

Anonymous said...

My grandma gave me a card once that had a picture of Yoda on the front and inside it said "Yoda one for me." I wonder what kind of Christmas presents Yoda would give? And do tauntauns fly? Maybe Yoda can use the force on them to levitate the sleigh like with Luke's x-wing.