The celebration was a little more subdued than usual, without the energy of our dear friend Pat, who passed away this spring. But I was glad that her husband Ed joined us for Christmas again, an almost twenty-year-long tradition I hope he keeps up.
The house is quieter now, even with Em's friend and roommate Colleen visiting. The Fugitree is not long for the world (we'll probably leave it up for another week or so before I hack it to bits). I plan to carefully repack all of those 'Toids in their original boxes, maybe to use another year, maybe to sell. Anyone interested in a relic of the first (and so far as I know, only) Fugitree?
It rained pretty heavily last night, and continued into this morning at a lesser pace. I was startled when the rain stopped and the sun came out around noon today... and a thought crept into my mind. I stepped outside to gauge the temperature -- not bad, about 43 degrees. That's CERTAINLY warm enough for a motorcycle ride.
So off I went, after first bundling up warmly. I took the latest addition to the stable, a new Honda NT700V (aka the "Deauville" in the UK and Europe). I got this bike about a month ago, and only had a chance to ride it once before the weather got too cold and snowy. It felt great to be out on a motorcycle, even though I only rode out to the Williamsburg General Store for a coffee and pastry. The roads were clear (except for one back road I took which had a few icy patches, though only a few and they were very visible and easily avoided). I stopped on the way home by a swamp to take this photo of the new bike in a winter landscape which felt -- at least today -- like spring.

I don't expect this weather to continue, but I was grateful to get this unusual chance to ride on December 27... not something that happens too often in this neck of the woods. -- PL
Not that something happens to often in these neck of the woods? There has been a dozen "mysterious" fires in your area. A bit unsettling. Its all over the news.
Sounds like you had a merry one. Grat to hear! :D
Fugi relics? I like the sounds of that! I planned on asking my LCS this Wenesday about ordering one,but a Fugi relic is an idea!
Hey Pete im glad you and your family had a great Christmas! I actually made mine a ninja turtle xmas and got a crazy present this year to commemorate it!.
The weather here in clifton, nj was pretty odd as well it was near 60 degrees! you could imagine the insanity in the streets.
I'd be way interested in a fugi relic. sort of a way to carry a new tradition! keep us posted! :-)
cool deaville.
PL said..
before i hack it to bits
haha thats metal.your raph-like spirits are up
todays my birthday and i was wishin the weather would be worked i guess
Love the bike, can I stop drooling now?!! Ha, glad to hear that your holiday was safe, fun and relaxing.. I am sure if you decide to part with the Fugitree ornaments, they will go like hot cakes...I would take one, just for the fact, ha ha. it would be great to keep a "few" around for annual decorations.. Keep one wheel on the ground..
First of all, I'll just say that my name really is April. I didn't choose it to emulate anybody. Little boys used to force me to be April O'Neil, then they would pretend to rescue me.
I would never have believed a Christmas tree full of little shiny robots to be so pretty. Your daughter has a good eye. It rained here on Christmas too, but that doesn't bode well in Michigan because you know it will all turn into ice eventually.
And Krang in a manger sounds bone chilling to me.
I would be interested in a Fugi relic. :)
Glad you made it out. I went for a walk yesterday and was somewhat surprised to hear the approaching sound of a barely-muffled V twin coming up the road. Nice to see.
Me, my driveway remains a sheet of nice, tricky to navigate even just walking. Still, know that my spirit was out there with you...
Echoing mikeandraph87's concern, I saw this morning's news about the fires in Northampton and got worried. Is everyone all right? That's so sad, especially when I was in Northampton a few years ago. It's such a lovely town. :(
"Brinaj78 said...
Echoing mikeandraph87's concern, I saw this morning's news about the fires in Northampton and got worried. Is everyone all right? That's so sad, especially when I was in Northampton a few years ago. It's such a lovely town. :("
I was actually unaware of the fires in Northampton until I checked my email today. It's very upsetting. -- PL
Well, hopefully they'll catch the person soon. If people are aware and keep a look out. The more fires they set the more of a chance that there will be evidence left behind. Just trying to find a positive.
The Fugitree was an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing pics of it. If you're going to give away or sell one of the Fugitoids, I'd like to throw my name in the hat for consideration -- I've been meaning to get one, and it would be even more special if I had one that did a stint as a holiday ornament!
im also interested in a relic.
or any fugitoid merchandise for that matter
happy new year peter heres to a great blog ,oh how would one get their mits on a fugi?maybe have a tmnt quiz and the winners get one each ha
California has fire season in October and it can get very scary. One year the town of Julian was at risk because of nearby forest fires. Julian is a town that reminds me of Northampton. It's a lot smaller, but adorable just the same. I would have been devastated if Julian burned down, same for Northampton. Too many good TMNT memories happened there.
Heh, my word verification is 'raphy'! Seriously!
I'm also interested in A Fugi-relic, if you decide to part with them.
A piece of tree with a Fugitoid on it? Sounds like an idea ;)
As for the fires, there's always one person spoiling things for all sadly...
I want to take Jlo out but it's very cold here I missed the one warm day to ride. I'm very jealous!
I would definitely be interested in a "Fugitree relic", if you decide to sell them. I wanted to get one of the chrome Fugitoid toys at some point, but one used to decorate the Laird family tree seems a bit more "special", in a way.
-->> ..hope you guys are safe from aforementioned fires, Peter.
Sometimes being aware is the best thing especially when its right around the corner. May the culprit be caught soon.
If memory serves of what Dan told me the Mirage Studios offices are closing its doors Thursday. *sigh*
mikeandraph87, if that's true then that is going to really make me sad. When i was younger, one of my dreams was to take a tour of the Mirage Studios. It kills me that I will never get to have that chance. Would be a grand thing if there was a place that turtle devotees could go and look all of the turtle artifacts and magic. sigh
I also wished to one day get a tour of Mirage,decobot.:*( There will be in some form. I know Peter will see to it. :)
This is from an email correspondance with Dan taken driectly on October 26th when he cleared me up on the confusing "rule of 18" following the sale and asking about Mirage's maintain a website or getting him to blog. "Mirage closes its doors on December 31-but since were continuing publishing 'til at least May 2010.After that-I don't know"-D.B.
I would totally love a Fugitree Relic! I have also been wanting to get one! Maybe I'll even hang it on my tree next year! There is a lack of awesome new Turtles Christmas ornaments in my opinion!
Glad your Christmas was a splendid one. And a Fugitree relic sounds like something to share with others. Let us know what you decide to do with the shiny trinkets.
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