... winter, that is.
The weather forecast, when I looked at it yesterday, predicted snow for each of the next four days. Given how relatively mild our winter has been this time around, I hoped that meant maybe a few inches per day of light snow... an accumulation which would disappear fairly rapidly as the weather warmed back up.
Well, last night just before heading to bed I poked my head outside to see how things were going, and already about three or four inches of snow had fallen. I took a photo of the bush in the front yard -- the combination of the camera flash and the light cast on the bush by the pole lamp creates kind of an eerie effect, I think.
Today, when I woke up and looked out the back window, this is what I saw.
Snow! And lots of it. And it's very dense,wet, very heavy snow -- the kind you most hate to shovel. And it's still coming down. Hard to believe that I was out on a motorcycle a mere two days ago... and yesterday rode my bicycle to Florence! Aargh.
There is one tiny positive thing I can say about it -- in some places, there are interesting colors in the snow, like the blues seen here.
It reminds me of those photos you sometimes see of icebergs, with those wonderful bluish hues. I wonder if the extra moisture in the snow has something to do with the color? -- PL