Here's another one of my "Star Wars" drawings. I'm pretty sure I did this for a fanzine called "Galactic Flight", sometime in the early 1980's. I like how Luke has got his ninja action thing going! -- PL
(STAR WARS characters TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. 2008)
-->> ..That Chewie looks like one Kirby's Star Wars illustrations.
What is your favourite of films ??
I bet Peter Loves Jar Jar ;o) joke :)..
Any more Star Wars images, please post :). These are fun. Any Star Trek images in that batch, or ones from other films?
BTW, Peter... There was a news story today that I was just told by a co-worker. Supposedly three teenagers where arrested playing 'Ninja Turtles' in the sewers. They where taken out, checked to see if they where OK, and then arrested for Trespassing. Not sure if it's even true, though, haven't found anything yet.
Oh, and have you seen the blog post claiming that 4Kids will cancel the new Turtle series after the animated movie? Supposedly this came from a 4kids 'insider' and has caused quite a stir on the Toonzone message boards...
I thought the animated movie was unrelated to the current too, at least in part.
I notice Luke's in his Empire Strikes Back wardrobe. I much prefer it to the white tunic people usually associate with the character.
Neil said...
Oh, and have you seen the blog post claiming that 4Kids will cancel the new Turtle series after the animated movie? Supposedly this came from a 4kids 'insider' and has caused quite a stir on the Toonzone message boards...
Hey Pete,
I'm sure a large number of us would be interested in your take on the current rumor about the upcoming cancelation of the cartoon...as the rumor is pretty much melting the internet right now :-P
Could I talk you into putting up a post on the subject?
" Stephan @ The Turtle Van said...
Neil said...
Oh, and have you seen the blog post claiming that 4Kids will cancel the new Turtle series after the animated movie? Supposedly this came from a 4kids 'insider' and has caused quite a stir on the Toonzone message boards...
Hey Pete,
I'm sure a large number of us would be interested in your take on the current rumor about the upcoming cancelation of the cartoon...as the rumor is pretty much melting the internet right now :-P
Could I talk you into putting up a post on the subject?"
No, but I'll comment about it here. I suppose there is a possibility that the rumor is true, but I have not heard anything from 4Kids confirming it. If it is true, it's unfortunate, but not the end of the world. -- PL
Appreciate the Input :-)
Gosh, even though they're wearing helmets, you can almost feel those Stormtroopers' distress at being trounced by a farm boy and a fur ball :p
And gosh, I think I speak for many of us when I say that is sure would be nifty to have at least one more season of the TMNT, to tie up loose plot threads, and to see us through the anniversary....
It will be so sad if the show is cancelled just b4 the 25th anniversary.
Luke has a real leonardo feel to him in this. :)
"nacho said...
It will be so sad if the show is cancelled just b4 the 25th anniversary."
Hmm... yes, and no. One of the things about this 25th anniversary that perhaps escapes due notice is what it says about the longevity of this crazy TMNT concept that Kevin Eastman and I came up with back in November of 1983. I mean, think about it -- this thing has lasted for almost TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!! That's almost half my life... a fact which ofttimes boggles my mind.
During the first explosion of the Turtles' popularity in the mass market, Kevin and I used to wonder and worry about the lifespan of the TMNT property. We would hear people talk about it as a "fad", like pet rocks or something, an ephemeral thing that would have its time and then vanish. We hoped that would not be true, but were prepared to accept the distinct possibility that it might be.
And for a while, after an amazing run of success in the mass market, things died down. The original show went off the air. The toyline petered out. Not much was happening. Was this it? Was this "THE END" of the Turtles?
It turned out not to be so, as we all now know. Mirage, working with Playmates and our new licensing agency (and partner in the new animated series) 4Kids, successfully relaunched the Turtles back in 2003. We've had tons of new products, a new movie, and lots of episodes of a show which -- in my humble opinion -- is superior to the original.
What does this prove? Well, again in my humble opinion, I think it finally proves that the Turtles have "legs". They are very likely, as Mark Freedman (our original licensing agent) used to say, an "evergreen" (no pun intended!) property. The success of the 2003 relaunch has convinced me that, although there will be cyclical highs and lows, the Turtles will, in some fashion, always be around. -- PL
-->> NACHO, ..
.. would it be any solace to bring this back on topic of this original post ??
Star War was at one point considered risky and filled as many nay-sayers and ' TREND ' and FAD staters. Also had it's fair share up highs, lows and ups and downs. True.. it predates TMNT by a number of years. But not by that many.
And while that is a bit of different property .. it is relative.
After a bit of downtime or at least low time and then a relaunch..
- Star wars is one of the biggest and seemingly unstoppable properties out there.
Maybe the comparison doesn't hold water, maybe it does.
Is it even relative ??
Maybe.. just something to toss out to you to think about.
Tokka said:
"-->> NACHO, ..
.. would it be any solace to bring this back on topic of this original post ??"
I did NOT change the topic.
I mean, i was not the first one to change it.
-->> ..no no , you misunderstood.
I meant " I " was going off topic ..
within' Peter's Topic about Star Wars ..
..to bring it all back to your concerns about TMNT so you wouldn't be so upset.
I was trying to help with an analogy as it were.
-->> ..you owe me an aspirin.
Honestly, if the show ends, it really isn't that bad. It's been going on since 2003, 7 freakin seasons. That's an eternity for a Saturday Morning Cartoon. I think the only other Saturday Morning Cartoon that lasted long was the original TMNT. It had a good run.
Plus, it's not the end of the franchise. Like Peter said, the Turtles will always be around in some form, and besides, who's to say it wont come back again. The Turtles have staying power.
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