Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Blast from the Past" #91: "Gorefolio" artwork

Taking a break from the reposts of old "Blast from the Past" entries, here's a new one. I think it was in the late 1980's or early 1990's that a bunch of the Mirage artists put together a horror-themed porfolio of prints, which I'm pretty sure we titled the "Scare Crew Gorefolio". I can't remember if we ever actually sold any of them, but it was a fun project. This is the piece that I created for the portfolio. -- PL


Tristan Jones said...

That's wicked! If you find any more of these, please post them up! I love seeing this sort of stuff (big horror fan over here).

Vaughn Michael said...

I love it, but what else is new your one of my fave artists.
-Vaughn M.

Adam Riches said...

I love how it looks like a parasite of some sorts crawling out of raw meat, and those skulls coming of it's back...too cool!

~ tOkKa said...

-->> .. o hey .. i see you've met my date for the big dance on Saturday night.. >v<

PL said...

While putting up the new post about the "Four Reptiles and a Rodent" portfolio, I was chatting with Dan Berger, who filled in a few details about the origin of the"Scare Crew Gorefolio".

Apparently, it was a last-minute project that we put together to take with us to a "Fantacon", one of those fun comic conventions put on by the folks at Fantaco in Albany, NY. Dan didn't do a print, but he crafted a linoleum cut design to print on the red envelopes (his first and last linoleum cut, and he ink-rolled and hand-printed every one!). I did a "Google" search for "Scare Crew Gorefolio", and the only hit that came back was for my blog... so I guess this portfolio is pretty obscure and rare. Now I'm wondering if I even have one... I'll have to go out to the old studio and dig through some stuff, and see if I can turn one up. -- PL

Dinoff said...

That is an awesome piece of art! It's very much creepy, but beautiful nontheless!!!


Bookgal said...

Caption: "Why Summoning Circles are a Bad Idea." LOL.

Great Pic!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Nightmare Fuel, but brilliant!

Capital Chay said...

It looks like the idea was stolen from you for the 'pig lizard' in the movie Galaxy Quest. I didn't know you had this kind of creepiness in you. Any more?