Here's another of those Sculpey sculpture gifts, this time a wild one from Kevin Eastman.

I'm pretty sure this bad boy is Kevin's take on a Commandosaur (the dinosaur/commando characters I created and later expanded upon with Steve Bissette in our collaboration back in the 1990's).

I love the detail on this one, and the paint job is great. And those TEETH! Yow! -- PL
Did any of the Commandosaur books ever get published? The only thing I've found is the mini-comic.
Thanks again for sharing; this is another great piece!
How large are these figures? I'm sure they're not huge, but are we talking just a few inches tall? 'Cause the detail is just so amazing to me.
-->> ME WANT ..
"Splinter's Iroonna said...
How large are these figures? I'm sure they're not huge, but are we talking just a few inches tall? 'Cause the detail is just so amazing to me."
I'm glad you asked that -- I should really measure these things and include that information when I post about them. As for this one that Kevin did, I think it's about three or four inches tall. -- PL
"roseangelo said...
Did any of the Commandosaur books ever get published? The only thing I've found is the mini-comic."
None of the full-size comics that Steve Bissette and I planned were ever published... mostly because they were never completed! I think we only got as far as the first four pages of the first issue before that project fell apart.
However, if memory serves, Jim Lawson worked with me to redraw all of the COMANDOSAURS mini-comics (eight in all, I think) that Steve Bissette and I had done together, doing the art a little bit larger so they could be printed in a larger size (5.5 inches by 8.5 inches). I'm pretty sure we completed all of these, and Mike Dooney did BEAUTIFUL fully-painted covers for them, and we may have even made up a handful of bound copies.. but I don't think they were ever officially offered for sale. Hmmm... maybe I should dig those up and take another look at them.
And speaking of Mike Dooney, he also did some amazing, spot-on sculpts of all of the Commandosaurs for me at a time when I thought I might try to do a major push to promote and license the property. They're beautiful pieces, and through Mike I had six copies of each one cast in resin (assembly required). Maybe I should pull those out and post about them here. -- PL
Thanks for answering my question. As mentioned, the only Commandosaurs work I've seen is the mini-comic that was published in the pack of Mirage mini-comics. I'd love to see more of it.
Kev is a wizard with the paints. I know he sold off his ownership to the TMNT property and heard that he was divorced recently. Being heavily involved with Heavy Metal Magazine, hopefully he has picked up his brushes again.
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