While I was searching through my vast digital photo archive trying to find an image suitable as a header for my "Ask PL" posts, I stumbled across this nifty image, in a folder labeled "Murph's weekend", of me and most of the Mirage dudes. It was from May of 2001, and I am embarrassed to say that I don't recall right now exactly what "Murph's weekend" was about, although I suspect that it had something to do with his wedding. (Help me, Murph!) But I thought the photo was cool... it was taken at Odiorne State Park, just south of Portsmouth, NH. Unfortunately, Mike Dooney isn't in frame because he's the one taking the picture. And do you like how I carefully angled my head so that the brim of my cap cleverly blocked most of the light from hitting my face? -- PL
UPDATE: I found the "fixed" version of the above photo, the one which includes -- via a little Photoshop tweaking -- Mike Dooney. So here it is! (Actually, it's not EXACTLY the same photo, but one very similar to the one above.) -- PL

Jim looks like he's striking a pose! :)
Hmmm. My memory's as bad as Pete's but since I did indeed get hitched in 2001 it is possible that this was somehow related to a last struggling gasp for freedom before being fitted by said ball and chain.
-->> .. Pete's face strikes hard and fades away into the ..
..er ball cap .. ((that's all i got ..i ain' slept again. )) >v<
Hey Pete,
Any chance of seeing A.C. (Craig) Farley do an issue of "Tales.."?
Do you guys still keep in contact with him?
Hey Murph I know how you feel. That whole wedding thing was a blur for me, and I'm quite ashamed to admit that I can't recall if my anniversary is July 22 or July 23. Good thing my wife doesn't read these blogs.
Oh and Pete the setting for that picture looks nice. How's the fishing at that place.
"Erik said...
Hey Pete,
Any chance of seeing A.C. (Craig) Farley do an issue of "Tales.."?
Do you guys still keep in contact with him?"
I haven't seen Craig in quite a while. I really don't know what he is up to these days, so I can't say if he'd have time to do an issue of Tales or even if he would be interested. -- PL
"joe-eyeball said...
Oh and Pete the setting for that picture looks nice. How's the fishing at that place."
It is a great place -- Odiorne is a state park and has some very interesting relics from World War II... old gun emplacements (minus the guns) and bunkers meant for defending the coast in the event of an invasion from the Atlantic. There are trails through the woods and many beautiful views of the ocean.
As for fishing, I don't know. I can't recall ever seeing anyone fishing there. I suppose it's possible, though. -- PL
Heh heh... the two pics remind me of those "Spot the difference" cartoons.
Pretty seamless manip there.
Wonderful pictures...
I live not too far from Ordiorne (Dover, actually), and it's always been one of my favorite places to go during the summer.
As for fishing... there's a boat ramp that you can walk to and fish off there. Didn't catch much though. ;)
*Just wanted to say 'Very glad to see you have a blog of your own'*
"Wonderful pictures...
I live not too far from Ordiorne (Dover, actually), and it's always been one of my favorite places to go during the summer."
Dover, NH -- birthplace of the Turtles? Cool! -- PL
Best place in the world! Heck, people still mention the tmnt if you ask them about any special factoids about town.
I used to go into Paperback Bazaar in Somersworth, but I found out that they actually closed the place down and opened up as Jet Pack Comics in Rochester a few months back. Kinda sad to see it disappear, ya know?
I remember going to the PBBZ Comic-con and meeting you and the crew. I guess another chance of a con in the area is slim-to-none?
-->> So PBBZ ' IS ' gone then,Mach ??
Unfortunately, yes.. but the people who ran it moved to Jet Pack Comics. I'm thinking it got too expensive to stay where they were, and downsized. But don't quote me on that... :\
"MachiasBanshee said...
Best place in the world! Heck, people still mention the tmnt if you ask them about any special factoids about town."
I very much enjoyed our time in Dover. It is a really nice place to live. And i have to say that living that close to the ocean -- something I had never done until then -- wa a real treat.
"I remember going to the PBBZ Comic-con and meeting you and the crew. I guess another chance of a con in the area is slim-to-none?"
Not necessarily. You never know...! -- PL
That's a great picture of everyone, and I like the tweaking job of the two photos. I've got a bit of skill in photo-manipulation myself, in fact, my work has been considered seamless at times, able to fool the eye if you know what I mean! ;)
And by the way, hello, Pete! Nice to see you now have an online blog! :)
Sigh...good times...
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