Here's another one of those sculpted gifts, this time from Kevin Eastman. He knew about my fondness for Triceratopses, and put his own spin on the beast.

It's fascinating to me how very often with these sculptures the spirit in the person's drawn artwork comes vibrantly across in their three-dimensional renderings. Kevin captured in this little sculpture the wacky energy I've seen in the little doodles he used to do (and quite possibly still does). Love that grin! -- PL
That is soooo cool!
All of these look so cool, it makes me want to get some sculpty stuff and try my hand at it.
Then again, it may come out looking like a lump of sculpty stuff with eyes...
I love that grin, it's so adorable!
Wow... knowing a bunch of artists seems to definitely come with some nice perks. I need to round me up some artist friends, pronto!
As has already been said, that grin is very captivating.
Do you still get gifts like this from time to time, or has that era passed?
*lmao* I love the crazy grin on that ceratopsians face!! Ceratopsians rock!! *hugs all her Ceratopsian plushies*
-->> ..D4mm ,Peter must have quite a collection unparalleled.
Gee a sculpture from seeming every Mirage Vet !! Gee.. post more please !! Wow !!
And you don't see scuplted works from Eastman much.
Pretty freekin' amazing !!
Kevin was fun when I met him at ComicCon 2007. His doodles were spectacular. Especially the one he did of Kibry/Slash
I love seeing the things that never come out in the direct spotlight. :)
I dunno....
These guys are herbivores right? Smiling like that doesn't make me think that he going to chow down on plants. The sunglasses would lull me into a false sense of security though.
As much security that I could have while facing a grinning, sunglasses wearing triceratops.
"Daniel Schwarz said...
Do you still get gifts like this from time to time, or has that era passed?"
I haven't gotten a sculpture in a few years, but Mike Dooney made me a wonderful gift for my birthday this year which he talks about here:
"Dierna said...
*lmao* I love the crazy grin on that ceratopsians face!! Ceratopsians rock!! *hugs all her Ceratopsian plushies*"
So you're another Ceratopsian fan, eh? FYI, I think one of my upcoming blog entries will have some photos of part of my Triceratops collection. -- PL
That is so cute. I think if I'd had to guess which of the Mirage crew made that, the shades and the fiendish grin would be a dead give-away. ;oD
So characteristic of Kev adding the Metallica-ish sunglasses.
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