Mike knows I love dinosaurs, and that my favorite Turtle is Donatello, master of the bo staff, and in this piece he combined those elements and came up with this really cool ninja dino. Check out the detail in the close-up of ninja dino's head.

And true to Dooney form, he even mounted this exquisite piece on a lovely wooden base. Way to go, Bugman! -- PL
That's seriously Sculpey? Whoa. That's so awesome!
The detail is amazing.
OMG! That totally reeks of awesomeness!!! The detail is totally amazing!
Wow! He is really talented, that is an awesome sculpture!
-->> D4mm.. Dinotello
..nuther classic Dooney .
I love it! Huge fan of Dooney's work here. Donatello's always been my fave turtle also.
Hey Peter I've got a question for you.
Have you ever thought about releasing Commandosaurs?
It always looked so awesome, and btw I really miss your art!
Jeez, first we see Jim's crazy skills, and now Dooney's. You guys are awesome!
So... when are we gonna see some Mirage Crew-inspired turtle statues? Maybe something for the 25th anniversary? (hint hint)
Very cool! That sculpture has very nice detail in the texture. You guys over at Mirage have some talent... who'd have thought, heh.
Very nice Mr. Dooney!
Love it! Thanks for sharing these mini-masterpieces!
I'd like to see a Laird drawing of "Dinotello" (thanks Tokka).
Oh I've also always been wondering about Mike Dooney's nickname Bugman and if there is any conection to it and the old TMNT cartoon character Bugman?
"Vaughn Michael said...
Oh I've also always been wondering about Mike Dooney's nickname Bugman and if there is any conection to it and the old TMNT cartoon character Bugman?"
No. The way I remember it from Mike, when he was younger some of his friends gave him the nickname of "Doon Buggy", and I think we at Mirage took that and ran with it, and came up with "Bugman". -- PL
Oh very cool thank you for the answer :)
How does he work that bo with such short arms?
Anyway, beautiful statue!
DAmmit Tokka... I was gonna say Dinotello :D
Too perfect.
The whole group at mirage are incredibly multi-talented artists. The detail shot is really great.
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